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Friday, January 15, 2010

Where's the fulcrum???

There are those who act instantly, there are even more who wait and act, and there is a species like me who just act, act and act...Impulsion is both a bliss and a curse for me...but my point of nattering here is to actually analyse and even find ones like me who act instantly without wasting a second which is never balanced and is either a hyper or a hypo reaction...I mean, where is the balance system in me? And this question is solely for the almighty to answer? For my moods are too difficult to handle and for people who know me see a different me every new day... But there's one good to it...At least my husband will find a new me everyday...Poor he, will have to handle a new woman every day.. either he likes or dislikes...okay, okay.. lets not divert but rather divulge and analytically state...that why is the 'case' with me. People who define normal and abnormal should definitely answer this one(although I don't like the ones defining or differentiating such!) . Was it the rickshaw that went over me in my childhood that caused it, or my kidnapping that has turned me into this? Or is it that I've spent part of my childhood playing in 'kallu-kasai's' house( yes, that one was an eye opener for me as well when my mom lately told me that I was a regular visitor to kallu-kasai- my dad's ex-kaarigar's house!) . What is it that made me this? The question is a conundrum till now. Its very important for sissi and all the ones who know me to answer this question. Till the time I get rave answers to this one, I'll keep cracking the code myself...After all self-help is all that I need!

1 comment:

  1. Frankly speaking actually i don't understand 100% of the things u want to share may be i m not so much...nyway i thought lets explore ...... It is called generally u r the best judge to judge urself...but it depends upon situation and vary person to person....i also sometimes think.....some was life?.....What is life?.....what should be Life?......What will be life?.....why we are alive....everybody know the answer of these different way..........vary person to person......if the exact answer is not applicable to anyone life.....generally triy to solve with small tolerance....and in fact this tolerance plays the important part in our busy short no need to think so need to ask answer from another is u...u know the answer ....and u can modify the answer as per brief....ask urself and fixed the answer and act act work is too short...and it is full of relationship with trust,honesty and respect...whether it is act act act with +ve attitue........good luck...may be i m not getting the subjct........sorry for that......
