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Friday, May 30, 2008

Feminists of the world unite!

A feminist is only a woman. She is stentorian, pushy, does not like men, wears attires which are not like a woman and in India they are the jhola chapp, wearing only cotton, smudged kajal, chappals and according to many 'a fad'. Well, if that's what you think then let me tell you that all this is just not true. Firstly, a feminist is not just a woman. Whosoever, a man, woman or a transgender believes that women are at par with men and have all the rights for equal representation in the society IS A FEMINIST. But...Yes, the controversial 'but'. There are the convoluted types who would say, "I completely support women issues, but......." or "I think women should have equal opportunities as men, but........". These people are opinionated about everything that concern women. And yes they have a ghetto too! No matter how much they hate each other or are at daggers drawn, will shake hands to look down upon feminists or women. Alas, these people do not even see the women in their house with respect. For them they are mere dolls made to suffice them and to fulfill their needs. I am not saying the whole lot thinks like that. There are others, more subtle in outlook but the same in intensity. Anyways, let's not get derailed. Elucidating more on the misconceptions, I would like to state the difference between sex and gender. Mistaking one for the other further baffles a sane mind and makes a simple talk about feminism all the more bizarre. To all the ones who think sex is same as gender , let me state the difference. Sex is the difference in physical appearance, features, internal and external body parts, genes and chromosomes etc. While gender is the difference between the psychological, social and behavioural patterns of a man and woman. Let me take an example. For instance, A child knows that mumma is a woman and papa is a man. This is what is called 'sex', But the child also knows that papa pays the bills for my toys and mumma cooks. This is where gender comes into play.( This is just an example where I am taking a generalised view of the Indian society and I am not declining that people are trying not to typecast and this is for good). If this difference is sorted in our minds, half the battle is won. Well, I would not wind up such a vast topic in a small post but leave you with the thought that thinking about the issue beyond the realms of prejudices is the first step towards getting the 'ism' right. For more here's Simon de Beavoir's quote from her book 'The second sex' (A must read for all) to throw more light on the subject. "‘Sexuality is coextensive with existence’ can be understood in two very different ways; it can mean that every experience of the existent has a sexual significance, or that every sexual phenomenon has an existential import. It is possible to reconcile these statements, but too often one merely slips from one to the other...According to Dalbiez, ‘the sexual with Freud is the intrinsic aptitude for releasing the genital’. "

1 comment:

  1. Hail feminism. A very thoughtful piece, indeed. Would want to see yoy write more often on the blog
